• Mon-Sat : 9.00am to 8.30pm


Location: Bangalore

Up above the world so high!

Our off-beat office on an open terrace with its raw wooden accessories and recycled furniture proclaims our philosophy and attitude. The open terrace was left out by the owner and was an empty & mundane concrete space of 1,400 sq. ft. What we liked was the huge tree on the road whose branches creeps and peeps into the terrace, sheltering one half of the place. In spring it is extremely beautiful with lovely rose flowers and is a silent hub away from the traffic and the dust of Bangalore.

The calm residential area with parking space in the front was also a triggering factor to fall in love with this outlandish work corner. It was our perfect “green office”! We built around the entire terrace in steel structure with minimum cost. True to our inspiration and motto, we used all materials natural – recycled wood, recycled flooring, furniture from waste wood, furniture from eco materials.
One side of the office is open to the greenery around. This has pepped up the working atmosphere and our creative brains with lot of natural light and ventilation coming in.